- Collect water that you normally waste, such as the cold water at the beginning of a shower, and use it for something such as cleaning dishes or watering plants.
- Recycle everything you think can be recycled, the plant can actually separate the trash from recyclables. However, recycling everything would be an extreme, so just recycle everything that you think can actually be recycled.
- Use more gas efficient cars. Don't buy trucks just to look cool, buy cars that are practical and you will use for their intended purpose. A normal car is for travel, and minivan is for travel with a large group, a truck is for transporting heavy materials even in rough terrain, etc.
- Hang dry clothes to save electricity once and a while. It is effective, natural, and less noisy.
- Don't rinse your toothbrush before use, it is not necessary and is just a waste of water.
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