
Monday, July 13, 2015

The Future of the Earth: It needs Help

          Today we live in a world that is being destroyed. Ecosystems are being eliminated, forests are being decimated, oceans are being trashed, and the climate is being artificially altered. These problems affect everyone on this planet. No one is exempt from them. These are called worldwide problems for a reason, and our priority should be fixing them. For example global warming, radioactive waste, the rising acidity of our oceans, water shortages, deforestation, extinction, and many more.
            Before I begin, you all should know that I am not an expert. I am simply a guy at his computer who wants to make the world a better place. Which brings me to my next point. These worldwide problems can be solved by people, and how do I communicate with people all around the world? The Worldwide Web. Today we have the ability to access ridiculous amounts of information, the ability to talk to someone on the other side of the globe, and we have the ability to change the world. I am hoping that this blog will be seen by people around the globe. I hope that people will be able to understand just how much the world needs our help. I hope that together we can make a difference.
          This blog is meant to encourage people to make a change. I mean a piece of literature, a blog post, a video, and a speech can't change the world on its own. These things are meant to give people something to fight for, something to believe in. The "I had a Dream Speech" and the 95 theses are two example of ways people gave people something to fight for. Because of those people and the things the world was changed forever. However, what really changed the world was the people and the actions the people took as followers. I am here to try to give people a common goal worth achieving, saving the world. We can all be the superhero we wanted to be as a child, just not in the way we imagined.
          If this post and the next few that I post get enough support I will continue this blog, if not, maybe I gave humanity too much credit. If this blog is to continue there will be one blog a week, perhaps two depending on the length of the first post.

It only takes one person to make a difference, but imagine what one billion could do.

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